Meet Tyson Kooloos
Tyson joined Trading MasterClass just 5 short days after launch (back in August 2018) making him a true TMC veteran! In 2019, Tyson enrolled in a 'Deep Dive' program offered by Trading MasterClass and was mentored 1:1 by TMC's founder, Irek Piekarski. This was when Tyson really hit TMC's radar - and he's been on it ever since. Tyson takes every single lesson, every piece of wisdom shared, and applies it (uniquely) to his own trading and to his life. This is what inspires the team and this is why he's worthy of representing the club. If any new traders are looking for a role model, someone who's been around for a while and knows how to navigate the ups and downs of the trading journey, Tyson's it! Check out the recent interview TMC conducted with Tyson below...
When did your trading journey first begin?
Trading was first mentioned to me in around 2015 by a work mate I was living with as we were working interstate. It took a couple of years for me to do anything about it and in mid 2017 I was beginning another job living away from home and decided that since I would have so much spare time with no friends and family around I would look further into trading. I first joined IP before moving over to Trading MasterClass when it was first launched.

What was it that made you want to pursue full-time (or part-time) trading?
As I mentioned above I wanted to not ‘waste’ time when I was working away from home by simply lounging around on the couch etc. Trading for quite a while was just that though, something to learn and I thought I was taking it seriously but no where near as seriously as I could. Right around the time TMC was launched I had made the decision to really get serious with my trading. I was at the time in the middle of a 12 month stint of nightshift and I was really uninspired by those conditions. I wanted to take back control of my time and schedule which is what drove me to fully pursue trading.
"I wanted to take back control of my time and schedule which is what drove me to fully pursue trading."
What is something unexpected that you love about trading?
It is most definitely the personal growth. For a long time external things would trigger me and really affect my mood for long periods. The realisation that things just happen and they are not things happening to you is something that has profoundly changed my outlook on things. The growth in these sorts of areas due to trading really makes a difference in all aspects of your life.

What are one to three books that have profoundly impacted your trading journey / life in general? Why?
The Nature of Personal Reality – Jane Roberts: This book has so many practical tools for working with and through any limiting beliefs you may have. One of my favourites takes 30-60 seconds to complete making these things you can actually implement into your day-to-day life.
Thinking in Bets – Annie Duke: This book really shows the mindset and attitudes you need to adopt to be a professional poker player. In this book you could easily interchange poker player with trader. This book illustrates how confirmation bias can wreak havoc in your reviews and back testing. This shows the importance of making the correct decision based on the information you had at the time of making that decision and not based on the outcome etc.
Tools of Titans – Tim Ferriss: Nothing too deep here though there are so many small nuggets and you will find a bunch of areas in which you want to dig into further. Super easy book to read, something you could use to relax but still gain a bunch of knowledge from.
What new belief, behaviour, or habit has helped you gain the most forward momentum since becoming a trader?
I would say meditation. That being said I think you need to find the method that works best for you. I used headspace for over 12 months and it never really fit with me and just felt like a chore. Recently I completed a TM course and I no longer miss a session. It’s important to find the right method for you, if it doesn’t feel congruent you’ll likely just get frustrated and be wasting your time.

What advice would you give to an inspired, driven individual about to step into the trading world?
Don’t put pressure on yourself for quick results. You need to work hard but remember you also need to maintain balance. Some people will get great results in 6 months but might take you 5 years. I would say 6 months is the exception and not the norm. If you maintain balance you’ll have the staying power to stick with this and continue to grow. And coffee, coffee helps.
"Don’t put pressure on yourself for quick results. You need to work hard but remember you also need to maintain balance."
How has Trading MasterClass assisted your evolution?
From a trading perspective nothing has contributed more to my evolution. I knew some basics from a swing trading perspective due to IP though I had no day trading experience or exposure to the TMC strategies. Trading MasterClass not just provides tools for trading evolution but personal evolution also.

What is your next immediate trading goal?
For me I just want to continue to execute. I am looking to continue to scale up my trading account on a results based schedule. My immediate goal is maintaining momentum and optimising my current plan until I have fully scaled up my trading account.
Any final words of wisdom?
"What if Richard Branson set out to live a quiet life, but like a compulsive gambler, he just can’t stop creating companies? Then that changes everything, and we can’t call him successful anymore." - Derek Sivers. This reminds me that it is useless to compare yourself to others, you don’t truly know their situation.
How can we keep up with you?
Hit me up in the TMC Club. I have IG and FB, but honestly I don’t log into either with any regularity so the TMC Club is the easiest place to get onto me.