Trading MasterClass has been a constantly evolving passion project for Irek, since 2018. Trading MasterClass is an online educational platform curated for those who defy mediocrity and wish to learn the ins and outs of trading the financial markets. TMC is filled to the brim with Irek's tried, tested, and true systems, strategies, methods, and trade secrets! Trading MasterClass helps you to become a consistently profitable trader (full-time or part-time) in a thoughtful, strategic, collaborative manner.
Who we help
We help beginners with no prior trading knowledge, who are inspired to change their lives for the better. We also help existing traders who are ready to elevate their trading performance, through hyper-systemization. We only work with individuals who are committed, aren’t afraid of hard work, and who wish to live abundantly on their own terms. These individuals simply lack the systems, strategies, community, tools, and guidance on how to succeed in trading! Which is where we come in.
What do we do
We help these individuals achieve the “Freedom” they’ve been missing in their lives -- freedom of time, freedom of money, freedom from the perceived limitations society has placed on us. We do this through our training programs which aim to maximize: trading profits, trading performance, and overall self-accountability for your life.
Our philosophy
We believe in continual growth above all else -- if you're not growing, you're dying! The market does not respond well to stagnation, and neither do we! We are constantly evolving, and we encourage our team and all of our members to do the same. We follow a philosophy built on five core principles:
- Constant evolution - evolve or die! Adaptability & growth are non-negotiable.
- Collaboration - team work makes the dream work, collaboration above competition every time.
- High performance - keep filling your own cup, or your performance will suffer!
- Change - change is the only constant, learn to love it & thrive on it!
- Kindness - kind people are our kind of people. It costs nothing to spread the love.
Our story
Part 1. There must be a different way
It all started in 2010 when I, Irek Piekarski, realized a regular corporate job was not going to give me the lifestyle I truly desired. I was constantly surrounded with people who preached the importance of ‘investing for retirement’ so naturally, I went to the bank and invested in a high-fee mutual fund. 1 short year later I realized I was simply paying fees with no actual positive returns. “There must be a different way”, I thought, and took my financial well-being into my own hands… Enter the world of trading.
Part 2. “Retired” at 23 years old
After 3 hard years of learning as much about the skill of trading and the financial markets as I could (while still working FT) the day finally came when I looked around me and realized everyone at my current workplace was unhappy… depressed even. Especially those who had been there for 20 years+. I didn’t want to be like them, instead I wanted to live a life that was fulfilling, one with freedom and abundance and purpose. So, at 23 years old, I made the decision to leave my “high-paying and very secure” corporate government job to trade the markets full-time. I burned all my bridges and set off to create a new life.
Part 3. Laptop lifestyle of freedom
Almost immediately after I quit my 9-5 job, my wife (girlfriend at the time) and I decided to travel the world. This was my first taste of true freedom… of the “laptop lifestyle”. It was an incredible time - we travelled to Mexico multiple times, Bali, France, USA, Australia etc. All the while trading from my laptop, with no one to answer to but myself. During this period of time I also started working with and mentoring a small group of traders, sharing my knowledge and skills so they too could experience this newfound freedom I valued so deeply.
Part 4. Costa Rica, the birthplace of TMC
After bouncing around different countries for a while, it was time to spend a longer period of time in one place. The laptop lifestyle is great, but I needed a solid routine at this point — my capital had grown to higher levels and jumping around every few months became hectic and did not provide me with the consistency I needed. So, my wife and I made roots in Costa Rica for 1 year… which ultimately became the birthplace of Trading MasterClass.
Part 5. Constant evolution
Trading MasterClass started out as one small online course, filmed in the middle of the Costa Rican Jungle (with very spotty internet), where I was able to share the trading strategies I had developed over the past few years in the hopes that my knowledge could positively affect others who valued freedom as much as me. TMC has since evolved into multiple courses and an incredible community of inspired individuals all working towards the same goals and dreams. We’re now based in Vancouver, Canada, and still believe as strongly in constant evolution today as we did on day 1. We provide systemized and mechanical ways of trading the markets, that help mitigate emotion, and allow the possibility of true financial freedom. We all create our own realities - so make them great!

Contact us
The best way to contact us is via email -
You can follow Irek Piekarski on YouTube here and Instagram here.
You can join our Newsletter here to get access to special offers, lessons from the team, and member stories.