Meet Logan Chalkley
Since 2018, Logan has been an active, collaborative, & well-respected member of the Trading MasterClass Club. Recently, he ticked off a huge milestone (in Dec 2020), achieving full-time trader status and has since embarked on the next leg of his epic journey! At only 24 years of age, Logan already has profound + valuable pieces of wisdom to share, especially for those wishing to walk a similar path. Read Logan's full interview below and make sure to connect with him in the club!

When did your trading journey first begin?
I’ve always had an interest in finance, investing and building wealth… In fact, when I was 14, I signed up for an investing advice newsletter called The Motley Fool. I enrolled and attended a university degree in Finance and Economics when I finished school. Then halfway through that degree I found Infinite Prosperity through Lewis Mocker, and subsequently Irek and the TMC Family!
What was it that made you want to pursue trading?
I think everyone is initially attracted to the quintessential “trader lifestyle”. Travel, working from anywhere, laptops and cocktails on the beach… and I certainly was attracted to that, at least initially. That being said, as I’ve become more committed to my trading career and have built a grander vision of what I’d like to achieve, I’m much more motivated and focused now on building multi-generational wealth. I now see those luxuries such as travel, freedom and extravagance as a more trivial, less meaningful part of my journey.
"I’m much more motivated and focused now on building multi-generational wealth."
What is something unexpected that you love about trading?
One thing that really fascinated me about trading, especially when initially studying mentors like Irek and Jonny, is the fact that they treat trading more like an art or craft that you need to master, rather than a career or bureaucratic skill. The process of fine tuning, testing, repeating and refining your craft is very similar to the way an artist would hone in on mastering their own craft.

What are one to three books that have profoundly impacted your journey? Why?
The Science of Getting Rich – Wallace D. Wattles
- Probably the number one book that’s impacted my trading specifically, it explores the more esoteric principles of wealth, and to me alleviated some of the engrained guilts and shames I had with wanting to build vast amounts of wealth.
- This book explores money as a context of life force, and helps you to understand that with more money, comes a greater ability to lead and live and extraordinary life for you and others.
Funnily enough I’ve never actually read a book on trading or actively investing. I don’t think any amount of reading will come close to having the benefit of learning through backtesting or from mentors.
What new belief, behaviour, or habit has helped you gain the most forward momentum since becoming a trader?
There really is an abundance of opportunity everywhere, there is absolutely no need to get attached to the outcome of one trade, one investment opportunity or one business deal. There is always another around the corner, and once you understand this you are happy to let opportunity and abundance flow and enjoy a divine dance of come-and-go with the universe.

What advice would you give to an inspired, driven individual about to step into the trading world?
It really takes work, there are endless challenges and setbacks. There will be times you feel like you’ve made it and know everything there is to know about trading. Then there’s other times where you're continually humbled by the markets. Learn to accept the momentary ebb and flow that comes with this journey and remain focused on the grander vision that you have for yourself.
"Learn to accept the momentary ebb and flow that comes with this journey."
How has Trading MasterClass (TMC) assisted your evolution?
TMC has been the epicentre of my trading career so far and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. There’s no way I’d be in the position I am today without TMC.

What is your next immediate trading goal?
I think getting to 7 figures is the next immediate milestone, beyond that I’d love to join the TMC Team in some way and give value back to the community which has helped me so much!
Any final words of wisdom?
Don’t take this journey lightly, you really do need to dedicate everything to mastering this skill. But the rewards for doing so are genuinely life changing.
How can we keep up with you?
Follow me on IG @loganandrew___ (I’m not as active as I’d like to be, but I’m committed to posting more!)