Meet Efren Rios
At the beginning of 2019, Efren graced the Trading MasterClass Club with his presence. He made success a must (alongside his brother Carlos) and never once wavered from the mission. Efren spent hours upon hours learning the technical aspect of trading while simultaneously focusing hard on his own personal development and conditioning his mind for success. Check out the full interview TMC recently conducted with Efren below...
When did your trading journey first begin?
At the beginning of 2017 I was in business doing network marketing and got introduced to a company which promoted trading services and education. That’s where I was first introduced to trading, but honestly at the start of it I was more focused on marketing and selling than actually learning how to trade. It was about one year later that I decided I wanted to focus solely on trading. One more year struggling to get consistency with this marketing company, then I found TMC, and the whole thing got to a new level of focus and dedication. This was at the beginning of 2019.
When did you leave your day job, and what was it that made you want to pursue full-time trading?
July 30th 2020. My purpose of pursuing full-time trading: it’s an evolving idea. Right now at this early stage of this new lifestyle, my motivation is FREEDOM. To take back my time and be the owner of my day. There’s just something to trading, it gives you this feeling of being in control/flow that I love about it. As time goes on and my maturity into this profession consolidates, my motivation will move towards wealth creation, expanding my family lifestyle, and giving back to society in a greater way financially speaking.

What is something unexpected that you love about trading?
I see the financial markets as a sea of unlimited, eternal, infinite opportunities which just mirror your personal energetic level. Your beliefs and emotions are just being shown to you… if you would have told me how much I had to grow to become consistent in trading, and the amount of personal self mastery that is needed, I would definitely not believe you. I love how trading just makes me a better person and gets me to better know myself.
"I see the financial markets as a sea of unlimited, eternal, infinite opportunities which just mirror your personal energetic level."
What are one to three books that have profoundly impacted your trading journey and your life in general? Why?
- Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - by Dr. Joe Dispenza
- Ask and It Is Given - by Esther and Jerry Hicks
- Seth Speaks - by Jane Roberts
I have always been a voracious reader. I love ideas and learning, that’s why I'm a firm believer that information changes situations. These books are in order of reading for anyone who would like to dive into these authors. They influenced me from a personal growth and spiritual journey point of view. They expanded my mind.
What new belief, behaviour, or habit has helped you gain the most forward momentum since becoming a trader?
New belief: You are the literal creator of your reality.
New habit: Meditation was a game changer for me. It keeps me grounded, it helps me get high.
What advice would you give to an inspired, driven individual about to step into the trading world?
GO ALL IN. Be the hardest working person in the room and learn from the best. It’s simpler than you think.
How has Trading MasterClass assisted your evolution?
It was the game changer for me. 2 years and no results. A mindset of frustration and not really knowing what I’m doing. When I finished Trading MasterClass it all made sense right away. I just knew it was a matter of time and work. Irek, Molly, Jonny, Kris, Morgan and everyone in the community are always supporting each other, and knowing this kept me going. The evolve sessions and the psychology workshop were key to my development, that’s actually how I knew about Seth Speaks.
What’s next for you now that you’ve begun a new chapter as a full-time trader?
It is all an irony. It changes the whole game, but it all stays the same as well. It changes because now I’m able to do some things that I’ve always wanted, like trying new lifestyles and traveling more. And it stays the same as far as my work ethic and focus- my routine pretty much as far as trading goes stays the same. I’ve always considered myself full time because I’ve put in the hours and grind. That stays the same and I’m glad.
Any final words of wisdom?
How can we keep up with you?
I mostly use Instagram so you can keep up with me there, or on Facebook.