Meet Cameron Bloor
Introducing Cameron Bloor, a dedicated trader who embarked on his full-time trading journey in July 2022, driven by the pursuit of financial, location, and time freedom. Cameron's commitment to growth and personal development has shaped his trading path, offering unique insights and lessons along the way. Join us as Cameron shares his journey, challenges, and invaluable insights in an inspiring interview you won't want to miss.

When did your trading journey first begin?
I would consider July 2022 as the official beginning of my trading journey as this is when I made the commitment to myself to pursue this as a career and went all in with full-time trading. At that moment in time, I had never actually placed a single live trade. However, despite not having any prior practical experience, I had spent a few years (since 2016 during the time I was in college) studying and learning everything I could online. This was very on and off in the beginning as my focus was primarily on my previous career after leaving college.

What was it that made you want to pursue trading?
I have always been fascinated and driven by the idea of achieving true freedom. Whether that’s financial freedom, location freedom or time freedom. Trading is one of the very few careers that can give you the opportunity to have all three.
What is something unexpected that you love about trading?
The journey of self-discovery that it entails. Trading has taught me so many valuable lessons about myself and helped me to identify and overcome limiting beliefs that I didn’t even know I had. This inner growth journey was unexpected initially but has been so rewarding and transformative.
"Trading has taught me so many valuable lessons about myself."
What advice would you give to an inspired, driven individual about to step into the trading world?
Keep it simple. I recently attended one of Tony Robbins online seminars and he mentioned something that resonated and stuck with me: 'Complexity is the enemy of execution'. Trading can be complex and overwhelming, especially at the beginning of your journey. So my advice would be to keep things simple by focusing on one or two strategies to begin with and avoid adding unnecessary complications. This way you can maintain clarity of focus and make better, more confident decisions.
I also believe this is just as important in your day to day life outside of trading, such as the routines you follow. If these are overly complex then it’s unlikely that you’ll stick to it for long enough to see the impact.

What do you believe are the three most important characteristics of a successful trader?
Discipline - Stick to your trading plan, even when it’s tempting to deviate. Maintaining discipline is crucial for success in trading.
Patience - Waiting for the trade setups that align with your trading plan and avoiding the temptation to chase trades or overtrade is critical for maintaining consistency in trading.
Resilience - There can often be times when trading feels challenging, especially when taking losses or experiencing drawdown. However, it is important to remain positive and bounce back from these situations without allowing them to deter you from your long-term goals.
"Maintaining discipline is crucial for success in trading."
What are one to three books that have deeply influenced your life?
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza - This book has been transformative in my journey by delving into the power of thought and intention in shaping reality. It has helped me to re-wire my mindset, overcome limiting beliefs and cultivate a more empowered way of thinking.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma - This book offers valuable lessons on finding balance, purpose and fulfilment in life. The emphasis on living with intention and aligning your actions with core values has massively helped me to cultivate a more holistic approach to trading and life.
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - This is one of the first books I read when I began to get into ‘personal development’. It explores the mindset and principles of success, wealth accumulation and achievement. I have applied many of the books principles such as: setting ambitious goals, visualising success and persevering in the face of challenges.

How has Trading MasterClass assisted your evolution?
Trading MasterClass has been instrumental in my evolution so far. I have only ever traded the TMC strategies so I owe all of my success to Irek’s teachings.

What is your next immediate trading goal?
To continue to scale my personal capital to £1,000,000 and increase the funding I have access to via prop firms to help speed up the process.
Any final words of wisdom?
- Focus on process over outcome
- Do more of what makes you feel good
- Embrace continuous learning
How can we keep up with you?
Instagram: @cameronbloor